Latest Events
from Delmanor Northtown

St. Patricks Day Celebration with The Blazing Fiddles!

Delmanor Wynford residents are ringing in the new season with these gorgeous handmade floral door decorations!
#aplacetolivewell #delmanorwynford #springflowers

Showcasing a guest favourite from this month’s pub menu at Delmanor Glen Abbey: Crab Cakes & Berry Mandarin Salad! Carefully prepared and beautifully plated, this featured dish is light, refreshing, and satisfying—perfect for lunch!
#aplacetodinewell #delmanorglenabbey #retirementcommunityoakville

Kevin and Gloria from Virtual Tours of China led a Chinese Calligraphy Workshop with residents of Delmanor West Village! We practiced numbers 1-10, a few words, and “Canada” in Chinese characters. Swipe to see our work! 🖌
#aplacetolivewell #delmanorwestvillage #retirementhomesetobicoke #seniorapartments

🌸 Nowruz, meaning “New Day” in Persian, celebrates the first day of Spring and the Persian New Year! Delmanor Northtown marked the occasion with a special bus trip to a Persian restaurant and an enriching cultural lecture!
#aplacetolivewell #delmanornorthtown
